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180 square meters of solar roof supplies the energy

The St. Jakob brine garden promises relaxation, recuperation and time to take a deep breath. This is a special and beneficial experience, especially around the graduation house. Breathing in the fine droplets of salt water - called aerosols - prevents respiratory diseases and colds. With the latest "child" on the Hüls, this aspect of health around the Jakobsquelle is further enhanced: In the Inhalatorium.Kevelaer, the aerosols are reduced to a dense mist by atomization and can thus penetrate even better into the finest branches of the bronchial tubes. Anyone can take advantage of the wellness treatment for the respiratory tract from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm. The 30-minute sessions start every full and half hour, with the last session at 6.30 pm.

 Good for the environment

The location on a hill next to the graduation tower offers visitors an optimal view of the entire brine garden. This elevated position also means that the special shell of the Inhalatorium.Kevelaer is clearly visible from afar. On closer inspection, it is clear that the shiny dark cladding helps to reduce energy consumption. This is because the diamond-shaped cladding of the larch wood structure consists of solar panels, which were supported by a grant from Westenergie AG. The energy generated by these panels and collected in the energy storage unit powers the building's technology. For example, the 36 LED strips inside, which frame the 19 seating niches. Heating mats in the floor provide pleasant radiant heat so that the mist can also be enjoyed in the cooler months of the year. The salt crystals that rise up as a result create a cozy atmosphere under the influence of light.

 Support program

The solar cladding covers around 180 square meters and provides even more energy than is needed to operate the inhalatorium, especially on sunny days. "This surplus energy is used to operate the graduation house. In this way, the inhalatorium and the graduation house in the St. Jakob brine garden form a unit that can contribute to increasing well-being and is also good for the environment," explains Hans-Josef Thönnissen, operations manager at Stadtwerke Kevelaer. And Dirk Krämer, Westenergie Municipal Manager, adds: "We are delighted that we can expand our good cooperation with the town of Kevelaer and Stadtwerke Kevelaer as part of the joint company NiersEnergieNetze in such a beautiful environment. As a partner to the municipalities, we not only look after the electricity grid, but are also happy to support projects that benefit environmental protection."

Westenergie offers municipalities that have concluded a concession agreement with the energy company the KEK - Municipal Energy Concept support program. It includes solutions and products that help municipalities prepare for the energy future. Funding is provided for measures in the areas of climate protection, energy efficiency and infrastructure. This includes increasing the energy efficiency of municipal buildings and facilities as well as concepts for electromobility.

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