City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer


Kevelaer is now a recognized spa town with healing springs

On Thursday, July 4, District President Thomas Schürmann presented Mayor Dominik Pichler with the certificate that recognizes the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer as a place with a health spa.

"I congratulate you warmly and am delighted that you have achieved your goal through a joint effort and consistent commitment. Kevelaer is now the only recognized health spa in North Rhine-Westphalia," emphasized Schürmann. "With the healing spring in the St. Jakob brine garden and the graduation house as the centerpiece, you have created an attraction where residents and visitors alike can find rest and relaxation."

Kevelaer has been a "health resort" for many years and since 1994 has had a borehole 554 meters deep on the Hüls, whose water has been classified as "iodine-containing thermal brine" according to the guidelines for spas and health resorts. It is rich in valuable minerals and was recognized as a "healing spring" by the Düsseldorf district government in 2006. With this healing spring, the town fulfils a decisive requirement for the title of "state-approved health resort with a healing spring spa". However, there were many other criteria that had to be met, as the law stipulates 25 different requirements.

With its historic town center, traffic-calmed zones, numerous green spaces and a wide range of health and leisure facilities, Kevelaer meets the basic requirements. Expert reports have also confirmed the quality of the bio-climate, the purity of the air and the effectiveness of the spa products. The town also provides medical care in the form of a spa doctor. In addition to the graduation house, the opening of the inhalatorium at the end of 2023 in the St. Jakob brine garden marks the opening of another attraction that focuses on the health aspect of the Kevelaer thermal brine.

Hans-Josef Thönnissen, former head of Kevelaer's municipal utilities, and Verena Rohde, business development manager and head of Kevelaer Marketing, in particular, have been closely involved in the path to the award. And their efforts paid off: following the inspection by the state advisory board for health resorts, resorts and spas in September 2023 and its positive vote, Kevelaer was officially recognized as a spa resort in June of this year.

"In recent years, we have worked intensively on the necessary requirements to achieve this status. I am therefore delighted that Kevelaer is now officially recognized as a town with a health spa for health and recreation," emphasizes Mayor Dr. Dominik Pichler.

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