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Refreshment at the touch of a button
at St. Hubertus Primary School

Water dispensers provide the ideal refreshment during school breaks. At the touch of a button, fresh drinking water is now available at St. Hubertus Primary School directly from the Kevelaer supply network. Depending on your taste, you can choose between "still", "chilled still" and "sparkling". This is made possible by a donation from Stadtwerke Kevelaer and NiersEnergie. Several schools in Kevelaer have already been equipped with drinking water dispensers. "Our aim is to establish drinking water as an environmentally friendly and inexpensive thirst quencher that is always freshly available," explains Wolfgang Toonen from the two local water and electricity suppliers. And school principal Helga Dückers-Janßen adds: "The new option of getting water simply by pressing a button also encourages the healthy habit of drinking enough."

Many advantages

The advantages are obvious when healthy drinking water is freely accessible at school, explains Mayor Dr. Dominik Pichler: "No child has to burden their already heavy satchel with an additional bottle, which takes the strain off their back. And by refilling the drinking bottles they have brought with them, pupils are made more aware of environmental protection." "The drinking bottles that we have been giving all first-graders as a gift for the start of school for years are of course particularly suitable for this. Every time they are used, disposable bottles or PET packaging are saved," explains Toonen. Dückers-Janßen sees another positive effect of the drinking water dispenser in the promotion of children's health. "Instead of sweetened drinks, our pupils are now reaching for healthy water more often. And they also drink more - because tapping the drink themselves is also fun, of course." The teachers also use the dispenser and are delighted with the gift.

Highest quality standards

Stadtwerke Kevelaer promises that you can rely on the water. Because the number one foodstuff, which is practically the basis of all food and drink, meets the strict requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance - the strictest food law in Germany - and is even suitable for the preparation of infant formula. In order to comply with the strict hygiene regulations, only high-quality water dispensers are installed at the schools in Kevelaer, which are equipped with mechanical filters against germs and UV light, among other things. This ensures that the tap water from the water dispenser continues to meet the highest quality standards.

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