Data protection information Reporting law

Data protection information Reporting law

Information pursuant to Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the

Collection of personal data from data subjects

Person responsible

Mayor of the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer

Dr. Dominik Pichler

Peter-Plümpe-Platz 12

47623 Kevelaer

Tel.: 02832-122-206


Data protection officer

Nina Neunheuser

Tel. 02832-122-204


Purpose of data processing

The registration authority must register personal data about the persons (residents) living in its area of responsibility in order to establish and verify their identity and residences. The personal data stored in the population registers is used by the registration authority to meet the legitimate information needs of non-public bodies and private individuals as well as public bodies in accordance with the provisions on information from the population register and data transfers, and to assist in the performance of tasks by other public bodies. On certain occasions, data is regularly transferred to other public bodies or religious communities.

Main legal basis

Your personal data is processed on the following legal basis:

Art. 6 para. 1 c) GDPR in conjunction with. §§ Sections 2, 33 ff, 42, 44 ff. Federal Registration Act (BMG)

Recipients and categories of recipients of the data

  • The registration authority may transfer data from the register of residents to other public bodies in Germany, public religious organizations and tracing services or pass on data within the Kevelaer municipal administration insofar as this is necessary to fulfill its own tasks or those of the recipient.
  • Upon request, private individuals and non-public bodies can obtain information on individual personal data for a fee, provided that the person concerned can be clearly identified by the registration authority based on the information provided by the applicant. Upon request, private individuals and non-public bodies can be provided with information about a large number of unidentified persons regarding their membership of a group (e.g. a specific year of birth) and certain personal data if a public interest can be established. Foreign bodies outside the European Union are treated in the same way as non-public bodies.
  • Parties, voter groups and other supporters of election proposals may receive registration data in connection with elections and votes at state and municipal level.
  • Elected officials, the press and broadcasters may receive the data directly related to this special purpose in the case of anniversaries.
  • Address book publishers may only receive individual, exhaustively listed data of all adult residents from the registration authority for the purpose of publication in printed address books.
  • The apartment owner or landlord is entitled to information about the residents registered in their apartment if they can credibly demonstrate a legal interest. They can also make enquiries with the registration authority to ensure that the person whose move-in they have confirmed has registered with the registration authority.
  • Data may be transferred to public bodies in other member states of the European Union and the European Economic Area (EEA) as well as to institutions and bodies of the European Union or the European Atomic Energy Community in the context of activities that fall wholly or partly within the scope of European Union law if this is necessary to fulfill the public task for which the reporting authority is responsible or for which the recipient is responsible. A prerequisite for the transfer within the EEA is that the EEA states adopt the content of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Duration of storage and retention periods

After the resident's departure or death, the registration authority must immediately delete all data that is not used to establish identity and proof of residence and is not required for electoral and income tax purposes or to carry out citizenship procedures. After five years have elapsed since the resident's departure or death, the data stored to fulfil the tasks of the registration authority will be stored for a period of 50 years and secured by technical and organizational measures. During this period, the data may no longer be processed with the exception of the surname and first name as well as the former name, the date of birth, the place of birth and, in the case of birth abroad, also the country, the current and former addresses, the date of departure as well as the date of death, the place of death and, in the case of death abroad, also the country. The prohibition of processing does not apply to the cases specified in Section 13 (2) sentence 3 BMG. Shorter deletion periods apply to certain data in accordance with Section 14 BMG.

Rights of the data subject

Your rights to information, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data transfer and objection regarding the personal data collected are expressly pointed out at this point. The legal basis for this is Articles 15 to 21 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and Sections 49 and 50 of the NRW State Data Protection Act.

Right to withdraw consent

The transfer of personal data for the purposes of advertising or address trading is only permitted if the data subject has consented (Section 44 (3) sentence 1 BMG in conjunction with Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR). Consent can be withdrawn at any time from the body to which consent was previously given in accordance with Art. 7 para. 3 GDPR.

Competent supervisory authority

State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information North Rhine-Westphalia

P.O. Box 20 04 44

40102 Düsseldorf

Tel. 0211/38424-0

Fax. 0211/38424-10


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