More than 22 school social workers from various schools came together to discuss current school social work issues and to learn more about the working methods of school social work in Kevelaer.
The event began with a warm coffee reception, where the participants had the opportunity to get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere and hold initial discussions. After a welcome from the principal of Kevelaerer Gesamtschule Christoph Feldmann, the working group was officially opened. Cornelius Oschlies introduced the working group on behalf of the school social work team and introduced his colleagues - Lara Christian, Janina Poguntke, Katharina Zellmann, Anna Eckert and Simon Fiedler. He briefly explained the circumstances of school social work in Kevelaer.
A central component of the meeting was the presentation of Wolfgang Foltin's collegial educational counseling, which should provide the school social workers with valuable impulses for their daily work. In collegial educational counseling, a team of experts from different fields exchange ideas. They use their different knowledge to find practical solutions to educational challenges together.
Three innovative offers from school social work in Kevelaer were then presented in small groups: learning group and social training, the parent internship and experiential education with a focus on archery. The parent internship takes place once a year as part of the work with girls in order to address girl-specific, sexual education content. Among other things, the programs aim to promote social skills and strengthen relationships between pupils.
The day ended with a joint lunch in the school canteen of the Kevelaerer Schulzentrum, where the participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas and make new contacts. The positive response to the working group shows how important such network meetings are for the further development of school social work.
School social work at the school center in Kevelaer continues to focus on cooperation and exchange in order to work together on positive development for all pupils.