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City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Schools & Sports

Transition to secondary school

Kevelaer Comprehensive School

Parent information events

Kevelaer Comprehensive School presents itself at all parent information events of the local elementary school. The school management of the comprehensive school will be available to answer questions afterwards.

An information event on the upper secondary school at the Gesamtschule Kevelaer will take place on Monday, 18.11.2024 at 19.00 in the foyer of the main building. All interested students and parents are cordially invited to attend.

Open day

Under the motto: "Discover - Experience - Learn", the open day at Kevelaer Comprehensive School will start on Saturday, 23.11.2024 from 9.30 am. Here you will have the opportunity to get a personal impression of the school, talk to teachers and get a taste of the classroom atmosphere. A number of stands will also provide information about the school's special features and concepts. Pupils will be inviting visitors to experiment in science lessons, among other things. A cafeteria offers small snacks.

Taster lessons

On Wednesday, 13.11.2024 and Monday, 18.11.2024, the comprehensive school invites fourth graders to taster lessons from 3.30 to 5.00 pm. During this time, parents will have the opportunity to get to know the municipal comprehensive school and its concept. Further information will be available from October on the comprehensive school's homepage and on a flyer that parents will receive from the elementary school.

Personal consultations 

In the period from Tuesday, 03.12.2024 to Thursday, 09.01.2025, the school management team at Kevelaer Comprehensive School offers appointments for personal consultations in advance of registration. You can book an appointment online via the school's digital booking system on the homepage or contact the comprehensive school on 02832 93360.

You can find more information about the comprehensive school at: www.gesamtschule-kevelaer.de

Cardinal von Galen Grammar School

The Kardinal-von-Galen-Gymnasium invites parents and primary school children to various events to get to know the school and to receive information about a career at the Gymnasium.

Information events

The grammar school presents itself at all Kevelaer elementary school during the information evenings held there. Afterwards, the school management will be available to answer individual questions and provide advice.

Pupils who would like to find out more about attending the gymnasiale Oberstufe at Kardinal-von-Galen-Gymnasium are cordially invited to attend the open day on 23.11.2024. There will be a special information event at 10.00 a.m. with a guided tour and individual advice. Interested parties should meet at the sixth form meeting point in the foyer.

Open day

The school community offers all primary school children and parents a varied insight into school life on Open Day. The open day will take place on 30.11.2024 from 08.30 - 11.00 and 11.30 - 14.00.

Primary school children take part in various activity modules, while parents are informed about the school career, special offers and special features of the municipal grammar school. School tours, a café and numerous presentations round off the program. Registration is not required.

Research days

On Wednesday, 22.01.2025 and Thursday, 23.01.2025, interested primary school pupils can take part in research days. Invitations will be sent out via the elementary school.

Personal consultations

In the week from 20.01.2025 to 23.01.2025 we are available for personal consultations. Please make an appointment by telephone on 02832 93370.

Further information about the Kardinal-von-Galen-Gymnasium can be found at: www.kvgg.de

Registration phase

Registrations for the coming school year 2025/2026 will take place from 10.03.2025 - 14.03.2025.

Further information on the specific dates will be published in January.

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