City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Climate protection

Pilgrimage town of Kevelaer and Westenergie honor commitment to the environment

During a workshop, primary school children learn how to avoid plastic waste and recycle fabric scraps. A committed citizen produces a podcast in his spare time and explains to his listeners how easy it is to save energy. And a sports club provides a species-appropriate home for the stork couple in its neighborhood. The Westenergie Climate Protection Award recognizes a wide range of ideas and measures in North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Rhineland-Palatinate. And this year, the Essen-based energy company is once again awarding the prize together with the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer. Citizens, associations, institutions and companies have until September 15 to submit their ideas and projects relating to climate and environmental protection. The jury will award cash prizes to the best projects.

"It is always impressive to see how many creative ideas there are in Kevelaer when it comes to protecting the climate and the environment. I look forward to recognizing and awarding this commitment together with Westenergie once again. That's why I can only call on all citizens to get involved," says Dr. Dominik Pichler.

Dirk Krämer, Municipal Manager at Westenergie, emphasizes: "With the Westenergie Climate Protection Award, we promote awareness and commitment among citizens and can thus encourage them locally to also stand up for environmental protection. Every year, we are delighted with the wonderful ideas and projects that are implemented in the towns and communities. The activities submitted may be in the process of being implemented or already completed."

Applicants can submit their documents by September 15 at

If you have any questions, the climate protection manager of the pilgrimage town is also available by telephone on 02832 122-740.

Since 1995, the Westenergie Climate Protection Award has regularly made numerous good initiatives and exemplary actions from the local area visible to the public. It also encourages imitation and encourages people to become active themselves. In total, more than 8,000 projects have already received the award. The prize is awarded annually in the cities and municipalities and is endowed with up to 2,500 euros, depending on the size of the municipality. The winners are selected by a jury made up of representatives from the municipality and Westenergie.

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