City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

City management / business development

Recruitment and support of trainees requiring intensive supervision

This year, many training companies in Kevelaer are once again on the lookout for candidates who appear suitable for starting and successfully completing vocational training. Most companies only rarely fill their training places with applicants who require intensive support because they shy away from the increased effort involved and are unaware of the support and funding available. Furthermore, it is not clear to everyone whether and how the job center, the employment agency and training providers can support and promote the recruitment and mentoring of trainees.

Information evening

The Kevelaer Economic Development Agency therefore invites you to an information evening on June 11 at 6 p.m. in the Konzert- und Bühnenhaus. Experienced representatives from the job center, the employment agency, the education provider SOS-Kinderdorf and the Kleve district vocational training center will provide information on the respective support and funding offers, for example on assisted training and entry qualification.

Interested company representatives can register informally by sending an email to by June 6.

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