City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Personnel report

Farewells to well-deserved retirement

Jutta Holz can look back on over 10 years of service to the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer. In 2013, Ms. Holz was initially employed as an educator in the municipal lunch club and successfully accompanied the pupils of the Hauptschule, Realschule and Gesamtschule as well as the Gymnasium during their school career in the lunch club and was the "expert" in all possible subjects over time. Even after they left school, many of them still enjoyed coming to the lunch club and kept in touch with her. Since 2018, Ms Holz has also supported the team at the Kompass youth center. With her open manner and her calmness in dealing with stressful situations, she was always an important part of the team and will be greatly missed.

Christian Wijers was hired as a gardener at the municipal depot on December 1, 2000 and is thus going into well-deserved retirement after 23 years with the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer. Mr. Wijers was mainly responsible for the planting of the city centre and the maintenance and watering of the green areas. His professional and private passion was always tree care. Even as a pensioner, Mr. Wijers will continue to look after the city's green spaces, as he has recently started helping out at the depot on a mini-job basis and is also a volunteer in the local history association "Ons Derp". Here, too, he lovingly looks after the village planting in Winnekendonk.

With Mr. Wijers, a reliable, friendly and popular employee is leaving the depot.

Mayor Dr. Pichler, Head of Human Resources Werner Barz, Chairman of the Staff Council Stefan Reudenbach and the respective superiors of the two departing employees took the opportunity to express their thanks and appreciation for their many years of service to the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer.

No employees found.

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