City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

City cycling 2024

Relay ride:
Administrative managers cycle through the Kleve district

Kleve district - This year's CITY CYCLING in the Kleve district began on Monday, June 17, 2024. Under the motto "Experience nature - save CO₂", the aim now is to cover as many everyday routes as possible by bike in a climate-friendly way by July 7. Around 3,400 participants from the Kleve district are already pedaling for the campaign. In the first three days, almost 100,000 kilometers have already been cycled.

The mayor, the mayors, the district administrator and the managing director of Wirtschaftsförderung Kreis Kleve are also involved as ambassadors for the campaign and are taking part in a relay ride. The handover of the "relay bag" by District Administrator Christoph Gerwers marked the official start of the tour. From the "starting municipality" of Wachtendonk, the mayors will cycle from their own town or municipality to the nearest one during the campaign period. They each have a typical regional gift in their luggage, which is handed over to the neighboring municipality and given away or raffled off to a CITY CYCLIST there. The relay ride ends at the Kleve District Economic Development Agency.

Anyone who wants to take part in CITY CYCLING 2024 and is in the mood for a special bike ride can look forward to next Saturday. On June 22, there will be a so-called "DJ ride" in Kleve. DJ "Diskallico" will accompany the one-hour tour with live music played on his bike and an illuminated suit. The ride starts at 8 pm in front of the Rhine-Waal University library on the Kleve campus, Marie-Curie-Straße. It is not necessary to register for this free event.

Registration for CITY CYCLING 2024 is still possible. Interested parties can register on the homepage for their respective home municipality or the district of Kleve.

Taking part is worthwhile in more ways than one: cycling is not only good for your health and protects the climate, there are also great prizes to be won again! In addition to various vouchers, all active cyclists in the Kleve district will once again be entered into a prize draw for an e-bike this year.

As part of the conference of mayors, District Administrator Christoph Gerwers (front right) handed over the CITY CYCLING relay bag to Paul Hoene (front left), Mayor of Wachtendonk, at Kalkar Town Hall.

Source: District of Kleve - the District Administrator - Office of the District Administrator/Press Office

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