City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Kevelaer Culture

Concession agreement concluded for the concert and stage house

Since the end of last year, interested restaurateurs have had the opportunity to apply as potential successors to the current concessionaire and restaurateur Torsten Pauli. Whether at a theater, concert, wedding or many other events, Torsten Pauli's catering business has been serving guests at the Konzert- und Bühnenhaus for over 20 years. Due to his decision to change careers, his concession will now end on June 30, 2024. "We would like to thank Torsten Pauli for the many years of cooperation and wish him all the best for the future," says Verena Rohde, Business Development Manager and Head of Kevelaer Marketing.

New concessionaire after 20 years

In the search for an innovative, creative and motivated successor, Kevelaer Marketing is delighted to announce that the Kevelaer restaurateur Marc Moors has been awarded the concession for the next two years. "We are looking forward to the future collaboration and the gastronomic offerings of our new concessionaire," says Hendrik Görtz, Head of Culture. The owner of the "Old Butchery" restaurant, Marc Moors, will be closing the restaurant in the near future. However, the catering service will continue.

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