City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

European election

European elections 2024 in Kevelaer

It is important that postal voting documents (red ballot letter) are returned in good time. State returning officer Monika Wißmann is appealing to postal voters to send in their postal ballot letters for the European elections now. "Anyone who has not yet sent their bright red election letter must act now. Election letters must be received by the municipality by 6 p.m. on June 9, 2024, otherwise they will not be included in the count," says Wißmann.

Last-minute voters still have until Friday, June 7, 2024, 6 p.m., to apply for postal voting documents at the electoral office of their municipality. Kevelaer citizens can apply for the documents at the citizens' office of the electoral city of Kevelaer by presenting their identity card and election notification. The electoral office hands out the documents immediately and the postal vote can take place on the spot.

"Anyone who has not yet sent in their postal voting documents and wants to be on the safe side should post the completed documents in the town hall letterbox, as the documents may not arrive in time by post," recommends Ludger Holla, Head of the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Order. Only postal votes that reach the town hall by 6 p.m. at the latest on election day, June 9, 2024, may be counted.

Live presentation of the election results in Kevelaer town hall

On Sunday, June 9, 2024, a public presentation of the election results will take place in meeting room 210/211 of Kevelaer town hall from 6 pm. Interested citizens can follow the current results from the Kevelaer polling stations via a monitor.

As an additional service, all information about the European elections is available at Interested parties can follow the results reports from the polling stations right up to the final election result.

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