City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Economic development

Employer branding portal "Kevelaer kann's"
launched by the Kevelaer Economic Development Agency

The Kevelaer Economic Development Agency has launched the employer branding portal "Kevelaer kann's". At, Kevelaer employers present themselves and offer their apprenticeships and job vacancies of all kinds. In addition to the local focus, the portal is characterized by a blog function that allows users to send anonymous messages to the companies. "With this portal, we want to counteract the shortage of skilled workers in companies on the one hand and show pupils, students and job seekers what interesting jobs are on offer in Kevelear on the other," says business development manager Verena Rohde. The portal was designed and implemented together with the agency Benning, Gluth & Partner.

Company profiles, job offers, blogs

Companies based in Kevelaer can present themselves with a profile as an attractive employer and offer their vacant training places and job vacancies. In addition to full-time and part-time positions, this also includes mini/middle jobs, internships and working student jobs. As a special highlight, the integrated blogs offer users the opportunity to send anonymous and informal messages to the companies according to the motto "Questions? Questions!". The companies respond promptly to these blog messages.

Independent creation and maintenance

At the launch of the employer branding portal "Kevelaer kann's", some employers are already included with their company profile and their current vacancies. Many more companies will follow. "Kevelaer companies can request access data from us and then create and maintain a company profile and job vacancies themselves," emphasizes Mario Rechenbach, project manager in the business development department at Kevelaer Marketing. (

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