City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Kevelaer Culture

Time out in the fresh air - "Breathing space" in the St. Jakob brine garden

The anticipation for this year's "Atempause" is great. The new program flyer is finally here! From 29 July to 16 August 2024, in the shadow of the graduation house, a comprehensive free program of exercise and health activities will once again be offered in the St. Jakob brine garden. All participants have the opportunity to get a taste of different courses and discover new interests. "New this year is the children's program. Even the little ones can try it out here. A selection of intergenerational courses also offer the whole family the opportunity to exercise together," says Verena Rohde, Business Development Manager and Head of Kevelaer Marketing. A varied program has once again been put together in close cooperation with local partners. The "Atempause" is supported by the Volksbank an der Niers, the "Sport im Park" project of the North Rhine-Westphalia State Sports Association and the KreisSportBund Kleve e.V. as a cooperation partner with the AOK Rheinland/Hamburg and the AOK NordWest. This year, Edeka Brüggemeier is once again providing all course participants with fresh fruit and cool drinks.

Exercise and health programs for every generation

Train, relax, laugh, dance or hike together in the open air. There is a suitable course for everyone, young or old, with or without experience. The program includes breathing training, different styles of yoga, day hikes, WingShun, line dancing, back fitness and aqua gymnastics. But loyal Atempause fans will also get their money's worth with a selection of new courses. "We are delighted to have gained five new partners who are helping to shape this year's program with their courses," says Birte Roebers, Kevelaer Marketing employee. Herbal tours, cornhole, a guided bike tour, SportBox workouts and dance classes are waiting in the wings. A colorful children's program with Kneipp, Zumba, dance and WingShun awaits all young participants from the age of 4.

Secure course dates now

Please note that participation in some courses is limited and prior registration is required. In addition, some courses, such as the herb tour, do not take place in the St. Jakob brine garden, but at a different location. All course dates and information can be found in the program flyer. This can be viewed online at together with detailed course descriptions. The flyer is available free of charge at the Tourist Information in the town hall and in the information building at Solegarten St. Jakob.

Open-air cinema at the end

All cinema enthusiasts can make a note of August 16, 2024, because then it's time again for the open-air cinema in the evening setting of the graduation house from 8 pm. Together with Volksbank an der Niers, Kevelaer Marketing will be presenting the German comedy "Eingeschlossene Gesellschaft" on the big screen at 9 pm.

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