City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Farewell to employees

Retirement after 34 years with Stadtwerke

The pilgrimage town of Kevelaer and Stadtwerke Kevelaer are bidding farewell to Hans-Josef Thönnissen, the operations manager of Stadtwerke Kevelaer. After 34 years with the municipal utilities, 18 of which as operations manager, he is going into his well-deserved retirement.

After training as an industrial clerk, Hans-Josef Thönnissen initially spent many years as a soldier in the German army in Goch. During his time there, he completed the second examination for employees in the municipal administration service and started as a clerk at the waterworks in Kevelaer in 1991. At the beginning of 1993, he became commercial manager of the municipal utilities and in January 2006 he was appointed operations manager of the municipal utilities.

During his time as operations manager, Hans-Josef Thönnissen played a key role in numerous projects, including the cooperation between the municipal utilities and agriculture, horticulture and water management, which led to a reduction in nitrate levels in drinking water well below the limit value, the launch of the Wetten, Winnekendonk and Kervenheim community buses in 1999 and the founding of the electricity distribution company, NiersEnergie GmbH and the electricity and gas grid companies (2011 to 2013).

The most recent milestones he has been involved in include the construction of the graduation house and the inhalatorium in the St. Jakob brine garden.

He was also closely involved in and promoted the process of Kevelaer's designation as a state-recognized town with a health spa. A few days after his last day at work, the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer was personally presented with the certificate as a state-recognized town with a health spa by District President Thomas Schürmann.

During his activities, Hans-Josef Thönnissen always focused on the citizens of the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer. His goal was always to present "Kevelaer" positively as a brand. His expertise and his actions were highly respected in professional circles and his advice was always in demand. Hans-Josef Thönnissen was instrumental in shaping Kevelaer's development. The pilgrimage town of Kevelaer and Stadtwerke Kevelaer pay tribute to his many years of commitment and dedication in and for Kevelaer.

"We would like to thank Hans-Josef Thönnissen for the many years in which he has dedicated himself to the interests of the city and its citizens. I wish him all the best and good health for his well-deserved retirement," said Mayor Dr. Dominik Pichler.

Hans-Josef Thönnissen can spend his retirement as a passionate holidaymaker in Holland in his new motorhome. However, you are sure to meet the Materborn resident from time to time in the St. Jakob brine garden, taking a deep breath and relaxing.

He was succeeded by Wolfgang Toonen on July 1, 2024.

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