City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Youth & Social Affairs

"Child protection network in Kleve district" organizes first specialist lecture

Doctors, psychologists, teachers, social workers and other professionals who are in professional contact with children and young people are entitled to advice from an InsoFa if there is a suspicion that a child's welfare is at risk. Advice from an InsoFa can be obtained, even several times, before a report is made to the youth welfare office. The consultation ends with a recommendation on how to proceed.

However, the responsibility and decision-making power in such cases does not lie with the InsoFa, but with the specialist they are advising. As part of this process, it is unfortunately often the case that the InsoFa does not receive any feedback on how things have progressed with the child concerned. This is often a burden in the InsoFa's day-to-day work.

The aim of the specialist event was therefore to provide participants with methods and measures to help them keep an eye on their own mental health. Experienced child and adolescent psychotherapist Eva Schoofs spoke on this topic. With 74 registrations, the turnout was positively high. In her presentation, she addressed various professional aspects of self-care and, in her own sympathetic and emphatic way, conveyed well-founded and practical strategies for maintaining one's own mental health in everyday professional and private life.

The event ended with a reference to the importance of one's own mental health in order to continue to support other professionals with vigor and prudence in child protection cases in the future. The network coordinators were delighted with the positive feedback from the participants and considered the event a complete success. Do you have any questions about the newly founded "Child Protection Network in the Kleve District"? We look forward to hearing from you at the following e-mail address:

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