City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Mobility / Environmental protection

Results CITY CYCLING 2024

These are this year's winners:

"Most active cyclist" category
1st place: Christina Paplinski
1,498.85 km for Team Christina, 248.8 kg CO₂ avoided
2nd place: Lukasz Lisowski 1,105.2 km for Team Wadentest, 183.5 kg CO₂ avoided Place: Lukasz Lisowski
1,105.2 km for the Wadentest Foundation team, 183.5 kg CO₂ avoided
3. Place: Monika Halmans
1,091.6 km for the Wadentest Foundation team, 181.2 kg CO₂ avoided

Category Team with the most active cyclists
1. Place: "Christina"
1,498.9 km per team member, 497.6 kg CO₂ avoided in total
2. Place: "Stiftung Wadentest"
852.4 km per team member, 990.5 kg CO₂ avoided in total
3. 3rd place: "Glück"
461.6 km per team member, 153.2 kg CO₂ avoided in total

"Most active cycling team" category
1st place: "Offenes Team - Kevelaer"
8,291.8 km, 1,376.4 kg CO₂ avoided
2nd place: "WALTHER FADER" Place: "WALTHER Faltbox - Gruppe"
8,255.3 km, 1,370.4 kg CO₂ avoided
3. 3rd place: "Landfrauen Twisteden"
7,959.5 km, 1,321.3 kg CO₂ avoided

We cordially invite you to congratulate all participants and award the winners on Wednesday, 28 August at 17:00 in the council chamber of Kevelaer town hall.

This year, the mayors' relay ride through the district of Kleve took place again at the start of CITY CYCLING. The municipality of Issum presented Kevelaer with the relay bag and a gift, which we raffled off among all participants. The winner was Mr. Uhrner. He can look forward to 30 liters of Diebels (or alternatives) from Issum.

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