City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer


Parking fee regulations to be adjusted again

Adjustment of the parking fee regulations in tariff zone 1

The Kevelaer merchants' association has called for a review of the parking fees on Peter-Plümpe-Platz and the parking lot An der Basilika I (tariff zone 1). In view of the age structure of visitors, affordable, easily accessible parking spaces are required.

The administration's idea was that tariff zone 1, with 2 euros per hour for the first two hours and 3 euros from the third hour, should mainly be used for short-term errands and thus lead to a higher fluctuation in the city center.

Previous evaluations of the parking ticket machine at Peter-Plümpe-Platz have largely confirmed this: Only approx. 5% of guests book a parking ticket for more than 3 hours, approx. 15% of guests book a ticket for at least 3 hours. One way to maintain the desired fluctuation here would be to introduce a maximum parking time of 3 hours at 2 euros.

The evaluation also showed that the parking lot near the city center with the higher rate is used 60% of the time for short visits (less than 3 hours). The previous tariff could therefore be retained, as it leads to the desired fluctuation target.

Another proposal from the administration would be to change to a continuous tariff of 2 euros - regardless of how long you park.

In addition, the retailers have suggested optimizing the handling of the parking ticket machines. The manufacturer has been asked whether it would be possible to add the note "no printout" to the start screen on the end screen where the parking ticket is displayed.

On the recommendation of the Committee for Urban Development and Economic Promotion, the Council of the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer has decided that the tariff zone 1 will be operated with a continuous tariff of 2 euros per hour. The maximum daily rate is 10 euros. The administration was instructed to initiate all further steps.

Parking at the youth and administration center

The parking lot at the new youth and administration center on Kroatenstraße is to be reorganized in the future. The administration has proposed including the parking lot in tariff zone 2 so that residents can also park there all day. The tariff is 1 euro per hour and 3 euros for the whole day. A monthly ticket costs 45 euros, which corresponds to the cost of half a month. With the annual parking permit for 495 euros, one month is free. These regulations apply to all parking spaces in tariff zone 2. In addition, some parking spaces are to be provided with parking discs (parking duration 1.5 hours) to enable visitors to the administrative branch to park free of charge, as the youth and social welfare office will be located there. The urban development committee and the council have approved the proposal.

Parking at the concert and stage house

The management of the "Konzert- und Bühnenhaus" parking lot was also discussed again: This parking lot is managed free of charge using a parking disk (parking duration: 3 hours) in order to offer free alternative parking spaces during the construction phase at Peter-Plümpe-Platz. The administration had proposed transferring the parking lot to tariff zone 2. Visitors would then be able to park all day in the immediate vicinity of the city center for 3 euros. This would also be advantageous for guests of the adjacent hotel and for users of the concert and stage house and the public meeting places. Residents and neighboring stores and medical practices would also have the opportunity to purchase daily, monthly or annual parking permits. On the recommendation of the Committee for Urban Development and Economic Promotion, the Council rejected the administration's proposal. The parking regulations at the "Konzert- und Bühnenhaus" parking lot remain unchanged.

CDU motion on provisional coach arrivals

Since the start of the pilgrimage season on May 1, the parking strip on the street "Am Bahnhof" has been the temporary coach arrival point during the day, as it is no longer possible to drive to Peter-Plümpe-Platz. The CDU parliamentary group has asked the administration, in consultation with the pilgrimage management, to check in which time window night-time use by residents is possible. In addition, the residents would like to see parking management extended to Sundays, as they are exempt from parking management as residents. There is currently no management on Sundays, which means that external visitors also park on the street "Am Bahnhof" all day.

The Council finally decided to extend the management of "Am Bahnhof" from Monday to Sunday in future. According to the resolution proposed by the Committee for Urban Development and Economic Promotion, the parking lane will be open to car traffic from 7:00 pm to 8:30 am in future. In addition, outside the pilgrimage season (15.11. to 30.04.), two of the four coach bays will be open to stationary traffic all day.

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