City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Kleve district

Decades of commitment to youth work at the sports club Union 1921 e.V. Wetten

From left to right: Guido Küppers, head of Wetten, Fine Hermsen, Dr. Dominik Pichler, mayor of Kevelaer, Franz-Josef "Menzi" Aymanns, Christopf Gerwers, Manfred Nilkens, 1st chairman of SV Union Wetten e.V.

"Whether at the sports club Union 1921 e.V. Wetten, on scavenger hunts and day trips or at the traditional camp for children from Wetten - the children and young people in your care could and can take their lead from you and learn social skills and community. Especially at this young age, such experiences are often formative for a whole life and are not always taken for granted by parents these days," summarized District Administrator Christoph Gerwers in his laudatory speech. "This has earned you a great deal of sympathy and recognition over many years. Your commendable voluntary commitment is therefore worthy of an award! As a visible sign of recognition of your services, I have the pleasure of presenting you with the Medal of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany on behalf of the Federal President and to convey the congratulations of our Minister President Hendrik Wüst."

Franz-Josef Aymanns has been involved in youth work at the sports club Union 1921 e.V. Wetten since the 1970s. One example of his commitment is the Youth Week, which has been taking place since 1974. In the week after Easter, there are various activities for children and young people aged between 6 and 14. The activity program includes scavenger hunts, day trips to an amusement park and a closing event with award ceremonies for all participating children.

Franz-Josef Aymanns also organized the traditional tent camp early on, which has now been held for children and young people for over 40 years. Every year, around 150 children from Wetten between the ages of 6 and 14 come together for various activities. Together with their supervisors, they spend a relaxing and exuberant time in the Eifel.

From 1982 to 2012, Franz-Josef Aymanns was chairman of the youth department of the sports club Union 1921 e.V. Wetten. During his 30 years on the board, he built up the youth work and initiated, organized and significantly supported numerous activities by and for young people. In addition to an extensive leisure program for the children, it was always important to Franz-Josef Aymanns that social skills were also trained and strengthened and that the sense of community and camaraderie was conveyed.

Over the decades, the vacation camps and the activities during the Easter holiday week have helped the children and young people from Wetten to grow together. Franz-Josef Aymanns acquired various licenses through the North Rhine-Westphalia State Sports Association and qualified as a youth leader and club manager. He has also been involved as a coach and supervisor in various youth and senior teams.

In addition to his involvement in sport, he has also organized activities for children and young people to strengthen social skills and promote togetherness. A good example of this is the organization of probably the most unusual Martinmas procession in the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer in the early 2000s: a Schalke Martinmas procession in the color "royal blue" organized for the children.

"With all these activities, Mr. Aymanns, you have become a role model for many young people. The expertise you have acquired over the years on the board is also of particular value for today's youth work," said District Administrator Gerwers.

After 30 years, Franz-Josef Aymanns stepped down from the club's board in 2012. Since then, it has been a matter of course for him to provide his successors with advice and support at all times, to continue coaching the F-Youth and to look after the children during the annual youth week and the 14-day summer camp. His sports club made him an honorary member back in 2012.

"I would like to thank you in my capacity as District Administrator of the Kleve district and also congratulate you personally with my best wishes for the future," Gerwers concluded his speech.

Source: District of Kleve

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