City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Town hall

5th grade visits the mayor

The 21 pupils were well prepared. Their class teacher Lioba Sernetz, a teacher of mathematics and social studies, had already gone through the functions and structures of a municipality or town with them in advance. The children learned a lot about the various offices, the administrative tasks of a municipality and the taxes and fees that citizens have to pay. The class used this knowledge to ask the mayor specific questions.

To get to know their mayor better, the children first asked a few personal questions about his age, the number of children he has and where he lives. But they also wanted to know a lot about his job as mayor: For example, what does a mayor's daily routine look like and what is it actually like to be mayor? When asked whether he is often recognized as mayor in the city, the mayor explained with a smile that since cutting off his long hair and braid last spring, he is rarely recognized at first glance. The children also wanted to know whether it was difficult to become mayor. "It wasn't actually that easy," says Mayor Dr. Pichler. "In the 2015 mayoral election, the result was very close. I didn't expect to win at all. In the end, a few more votes meant that I became mayor."

The visit of class 5a was not only a nice change for the mayor in his busy schedule, but the children also took a lot away from the day.

Finally, the children wanted to know whether he enjoyed his job. The mayor answered with a decisive "yes".

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