Thanks to the support of Volksbank an der Niers, Kevelaer Marketing is once again inviting you to a free open-air cinema in the Solegarten St. Jakob this year. The movie "Eingeschlossene Gesellschaft" will be shown, which will flicker across the screen from 9 pm. Everyone simply brings their own suitable seating - be it a picnic blanket or garden chair. You can also bring your own food for this special movie night. The "Basilika Stübchen" will also provide tasty snacks and fresh popcorn as well as cool drinks.
German comedy strains the laugh muscles
On a Friday afternoon, shortly before the weekend, there is a sudden knock on the door of the teachers' room at Rudi-Dutschke-Gymnasium. Still present are the popular PE teacher Peter Mertens, the hated music teacher Heidi Lohmann, the liaison teacher Holger Arndt, the chemistry teacher Bernd Vogel, the conservative Latin teacher Klaus Engelhardt and the young trainee teacher Sarah Schuster. Outside the door is an ambitious father who wants to ensure that his son gets the chance to take the Abitur at any cost. The teachers are now locked up for the next few hours, exposing the pitfalls of the German education system and revealing some embarrassing revelations to the teaching staff. The movie offers a nice break from everyday life, which can simply be forgotten on this evening.