City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Security & Order

Behavioral tips for preventing rat infestations

Rats are normally shy and nocturnal. However, if they appear during the day, this can be an indication of a major infestation. Humans are to blame. Rats prefer to stay in places where there is plenty of food. Leftover food that is disposed of in the toilet or down the drain ends up in the sewers and attracts the rodents. Carelessly throwing away leftover food and packaging in public places, for example, also encourages their spread. The feeding of wild animals such as pigeons, ducks and geese as well as bowls of cat food for strays on terraces also contribute to the proliferation of rats. Climatic conditions favor the increase in the population. Dry and hot summers and a lack of frost in winter hardly reduce the population. And the current wet weather also favors the living conditions of rats.

By observing the following points, the number of rats can already be reduced:

  • Keep waste containers closed and have damaged containers repaired or replaced.
  • Only dispose of your garbage in the garbage cans provided and not next to it.
  • Do not use public litter bins for garbage bags containing household waste and food.
  • Store yellow bags out of reach of rats until collection.
  • Do not store containers with leftover food or barbecue scraps outdoors.
  • Dispose of vegetable waste in the organic waste garbage can.
  • Leftovers and cooked or seasoned food do not belong in the compost.
  • Do not dispose of food waste in the toilet or down the drain.
  • Do not feed animals in green spaces, public places or bodies of water.
  • Do not leave food bowls for pets and birds in the garden or on the patio.
  • Ensure clean and hygienic conditions in your living environment and close off open areas to prevent rats from entering buildings.
  • If a rat infestation is detected, measures must be taken to combat it.

The owners themselves are responsible for rat infestations on private property. The presence of rats in public and private areas should be reported immediately to the "Safety and Order" department of the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer. The employees will commission a specialist company to take further steps. There are currently no costs for citizens.

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