City administration building of the Stadtkevelaer

Personnel report

Service anniversaries at the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer

Together, the five employees can look back on 155 years of service:

Hildegard Spickermann (technical auditor in the local audit department and clerk in the building regulations department), Susanne Vermeer (social education worker at the educational services of the youth welfare office) and Jochen Gundlach (electrician at Stadtwerke Kevelaer) celebrated 25 years of service.

Employees Barbara Albishausen (clerk in the building regulations department) and Ludger Gipmans (school janitor at the school center) have already reached their 40th anniversary of service.

During the ceremony, Mayor Dr. Dominik Pichler paid tribute to the jubilarians. He took the opportunity to express his thanks and appreciation for their many years of service, both personally and on behalf of the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer.

Head of Human Resources Werner Barz and Chairman of the Staff Council Stefan Reudenbach as well as the employees' respective line managers also congratulated them on behalf of the entire workforce and the Staff Council.

No employees found.

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