Seniors' Advisory Council

The Seniors' Advisory Council represents the interests and concerns of senior citizens in the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer. It works to anchor the topics of "ageing" and "old age" as a cross-cutting issue in local politics so that the needs of older people are taken into account. The aim of the work is also to improve and promote the coexistence of young and old in the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer.

The Senior Citizens' Advisory Council consists of thirteen members elected by the council of the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer and one representative from each of the council groups. Deputies support the work of the Seniors' Advisory Council and can attend the meetings, which take place regularly every two months, in an advisory capacity.

The members and deputy members of the Senior Citizens' Advisory Council were appointed at the meeting of the Kevelaer Pilgrimage Town Council on November 3, 2020.

CDU parliamentary groupJacobs, ManfredMember of the Seniors' Advisory Council
CDU parliamentary group
Jacobs, Herbert Representative of Manfred Jacobs
Bündnis 90/The Greens parliamentary groupAngenendt, Heinz-PeterCouncil member
SPD parliamentary groupBrünken, PeterMember of the Seniors' Advisory Council
SPD parliamentary group
Baumann, NorbertRepresentative of Peter Brünken
KBVPathe, SiegfriedMember of the Seniors' Advisory Council
FDPFrieske, Heinz, Dr.Member of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Non-attached (12)Lipka, JosefChairman of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Besel, van, Gerd JosefDeputy member of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Bolten, Helmut, Dr.Member of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Borman, EllenDeputy Chairwoman of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Fischer, GeraldDeputy member of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Fischer, UdoDeputy member of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Geurtz, GerhardMember of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Grader, GünterMember of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Haas, KatharinaMember of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Kieven, HansMember of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Marchi, AndréMember of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Metten, WaltraudMember of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Neuhaus, HelgaMember of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Pauls, JosefMember of the Seniors' Advisory Council
Pichler, StephanieMember of the Seniors' Advisory Council


Josef Lipka
Weberstraße 37
47623 Kevelaer
Phone: 02832 2286


Gerd Geurtz
Heykampring 17b
47623 Kevelaer
Phone: 02832 1311

Meeting dates 2024


Meeting rooms 210 + 211, 2nd floor, Town Hall
Meeting rooms 210 + 211, 2nd floor, Town Hall
Meeting rooms 210 + 211, 2nd floor, Town Hall
Meeting rooms 210 + 211, 2nd floor, Town Hall
Meeting rooms 210 + 211, 2nd floor, Town Hall

The meetings of the Senior Citizens' Advisory Council are open to the public.

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