Child day care

Child day care

Once a child reaches the age of one, they are entitled to daycare. There can be various reasons why parents want childcare for their child, such as a better work-life balance or because they want more social contact for their child. Child day care is a family-like, educational and development-oriented service and often takes place in a small group (with up to 5 children). Parents can seek advice and support from the youth welfare office in their search for a suitable childminder or contact the childminders listed below themselves and arrange an appointment to get to know them.

Child day care is a youth welfare service and is therefore funded by the youth welfare office of the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer. In order to receive funding, parents must proceed as follows:

  • Notification of requirements (under: TPF-online)
  • Find a suitable childminder (if necessary, advice and support from the youth welfare office)
  • Application for funding in child day care (at the youth welfare office)
  • Conclusion of a childcare contract with the childminder
  • "Little guests" (substitution)

    For parents who are unable to organize the care of their child privately in the event of short-term absences or illness of the childminder, the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer offers the "Kleine Gäste " substitute. Parents must indicate this (if required) when applying to the youth welfare office of the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer. Only a limited period of time can be offered for the substitution, which does not necessarily correspond to the parents' entire childcare needs. The requirements to be able to make use of the "Little Guests" substitute are

    • Contact the youth welfare office of the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer (see contact details opposite)
    • Getting to know the pedagogical professionals who will be substituting. This concerns both the parents and the child
    • Getting to know the premises where the representation takes place

Day care centers in Kevelaer/ contact details

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