Employment agency

If you are already receiving citizen's allowance or will soon be dependent on it due to impending unemployment, for example, the question often arises as to who can help you find a job.

The job placement/case management department offers help and support in the search for new employment.

Taking into account your previous work and your previous knowledge, it is often possible to find a suitable job through various contacts with employers. There are a variety of support options for integration into the labor market.

However, active employment promotion benefits can only be granted if a formal entitlement to citizen's allowance has been established in advance by the benefits department.

If you have any questions about job placement and case management, the responsible case managers will be happy to help.

Letter rangeClerkemailPhone number
Management, self-employed & individual casesMr. Joostengeorg.joosten@kevelaer.de02832 122-312
Under 25s" segmentMr. Sternthorsten.stern@kevelaer.de02832 122-108
Area "over 55s" & sanctionsMrs. Valentaannette.valenta@kevelaer.de02832 122-323
A - AlMr. van Plürenboris.van.plueren@kevelaer.de02832 122-320
Am - GMr. Dittner
02832 122-327
H - LeMrs. Kraftfrederike.kraft@kevelaer.de02832 122-124
Lf - RMr. van Wickernchristoph.van.wickern@kevelaer.de02832 122-125
S - ZMr. Walterfangmarcel.walterfang@kevelaer.de02832 122-321

The Job Center's employment agency in the Old Town Hall is only open by appointment.

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