Noah's Ark fountain in action

Climate.partner in the Kleve district

Logo of Klima.Partner Kreis Kleve

By signing the "Letter of Intent" at their meeting in September 2019, the mayors of all 16 municipalities in the Kleve district founded Klima.Partner im Kreis Kleve. The district of Kleve has also been a member of the alliance since 2021.

The aim of the association is to strengthen cooperation and initiate district-wide measures in climate protection and adaptation to the consequences of climate change. To this end, the climate partners meet regularly to exchange information on specific topics and exploit synergy effects. The partnership is advised and supported by the EnergyAgency.NRW.

As their first joint project, the climate partners have been taking part in the city cycling campaign together since 2020.

You can find the complete letter of intent in the download area.

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