Noah's Ark fountain in action

Energy consulting

In cooperation with the NRW consumer advice center, the pilgrimage town of Kevelaer offers energy advice for private households. Once a month, Mr. Klapper answers all questions relating to building renovation, renewable energies and individual energy consumption. The consultation is free of charge thanks to funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.

Consultation appointments

The contact details for energy advice appointments can be found on the website of the consumer advice center.

Further consulting options

If you are looking for advice that goes beyond a free initial consultation, you can find an overview of some energy consultants in the city area in the expert search on the AltBauNeu website.

There is also a search function on the Energy Efficiency Experts page where you can find experts for the federal government's funding programs for energy efficiency in residential buildings.

Presentations by the consumer advice center

The consumer advice center is also offering an online lecture series on the topic of energy for private households in 2024. The online seminars are free of charge and are funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.

All online presentations by the NRW consumer advice center can also be found at

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