
The towns of Geldern, Kevelaer, Nettetal and Straelen successfully applied for LEADER funding and were selected as a new region for the EU LEADER funding program in May 2015. Many people, organizations and companies supported the application and made this result possible through their cooperation, suggestions and ideas.

During the application process, the strengths, weaknesses, issues and challenges of the region were examined in detail. This resulted in the following 5 fields of action with different project families for future projects:

Field of actionProject families
Field of action 1:
Work, skilled workers, agribusiness
Improving the image of "green professions", attracting skilled workers | making skills available | branding the agro-region
Field of action 2:
Living together and social prevention
New housing | Local supply | Cultural diversity and integration | Regional identity
Field of action 3:
Village development and infrastructure
Places. Spaces. Places | Traffic / Mobility | Regional Building Culture | Communication Infrastructure
Field of action 4:
Environment, climate, energy
Energy competence and generation | Optimization of resource consumption | Biodiversity
Field of action 5:
Tourism and leisure
Rivers and lakes | Cycling
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Association Leistende Landschaft e.V.

The regional cooperation in the LEADER region is supported by the association Leistende Landschaft e.V. (Leila e.V.), which was founded on 26.01.2016 by representatives of the participating municipalities as a registered, non-profit association. The actual project work is organized by the regional management based in Geldern. Since the beginning of 2016, citizens, companies and institutions in the region have been submitting their own project applications. The association coordinates and supports these people and organizations in the development and implementation of their projects. Get involved too!

Eligible projects in the defined fields of action and project families can be small or large: Expert opinions and process support are just as conceivable as construction measures, moderation, workshops or events. The decisive factor for funding is that local measures must also generate regional added value.

The following projects have been approved in the Leila e.V. area since 2016:

  • Increasing biodiversity on agricultural land
  • Our village is strong through diversity
  • Environmental education for all - inclusive inclusion
  • Enjoyment by the lake
  • Active movement course

Information on the projects can be found on the Leader website.

Performing landscape

Success in the competition means that around 2.7 million euros will be available for the region for the funding period up to 2020 as a maximum of 65% funding for projects. Together with the required minimum 35% own contribution, this results in a regional financial volume of over EUR 4 million. The LEADER program offers two special features:

  • All individuals, associations, organizations and companies can apply directly for funding for their project as long as the project supports the regional objective. The necessary own funds can be raised in various ways.
  • The EU funding is not administered and distributed by an external authority, but by the region's own association (the so-called Local Working Group, LAG for short). This association is assigned its own staff in the form of a regional management office for the entire duration.

Based on a detailed tender from the Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the four municipalities of Geldern, Kevelaer, Nettetal and Straelen have developed an "Integrated Regional Development Strategy" under the working title "Leading Landscape". The four towns were supported by the Frauns office from Münster, which has already successfully supported LEADER regions in terms of content and organization in the past.

Background of the funding program

With the LEADER program, the EU has been supporting innovative actions exclusively for rural areas and their municipalities since 1991. LEADER stands for "Liaison entre actions de développement de l'économie rurale" (Link between actions for the development of rural areas). From mid-October 2014 to February 2015, rural regions were able to apply for the new funding period 2015 to 2020. The possible topics and projects of a LEADER-funded region reflect the entire spectrum of rural spatial and structural development: public services, demographic change, village development, regional identity, transport and mobility, support for children, senior citizens and families, volunteering, tourism, climate protection, rural economy and culture. LEADER thus offers the opportunity to promote small towns and villages with both regional and small, local projects.

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